Thursday, May 19, 2005

Star Wars III - Is a Must See!!!

Now this post may just add to the noise however after seeing the new Star Wars ROTS, I am compelled to post. This movie is excellent, and keep in mind I'm not a Star Wars junkie. Now I will forgive some of the stiff acting, because the action and plot do more for this movie than some of the bad dialogue between the supposed lovers Anakin Skywalker and Padme' Amidala. (IMHO, Ever since episode 1, their love affair never felt --- real.) That aside, this movie ties up all of the loose ends leading into episode 4: A new hope. I won't provide spoilers, I recommend you take the kids, wife and/or girlfriend/boyfriend and be prepared to be entertained.

Mr. Lucas, if ever you happen across this post, THANK YOU! In my opinion, you have redeemed yourself and the Star Wars franchise with one final blow - the birth of the greatest super-villain, Darth Vader, and bringing a close to one of the greatest stories ever told - sorry Jesus...

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