Thursday, April 21, 2005

How to Bake a Story from Scratch...

The day drove by fast and furious leaving the dust of night behind her. I stood on top my stoop to see the commotion, but caught only a mouth full smoke.

"Is that you?
Get from around those bushes!"

In the pearl distance, draped in a flowing red dress with a hand on her hip, she asked, "Is this yours? or the dogs?" With a discomforting look on her face she took the bottom of her dress, and ripped it with an amazing amount of strength. Unfortunately, balance, or lack thereof, left her standing on her ass --- in that same pile of shit! "DAMN..!" her reply. To provide comfort, I outstretched my hand, cautiously thinking that her frustration could pull me down as well.

As we walked, the stench followed, laughing, as it sauntered beside us. After a silent exchange, we quickly made our way towards the bathroom. Once inside, the floor greeted her dress with a smile, as did I. Extending her legs into the shower, I watched, as water purified, removing all but the soft honey glow of her legs.

"Here, let me"
"Will that do?"

She nodded in approval. Without words we danced our way to the bedroom. As I proceeded to turn off the light - 'click' - from the darkness I heard - "light a candle". As we kissed, from a distance the candle's light swayed in the wind, imitating the young lovers across the room. My lips walked gently along the small of her back, on a quest for her lips. I closed my eyes, allowing my tongue to lead the way.


Anonymous said...

I think its time for you to move on and stop idealizing the past . . . Living for today and the future might do you some good. Consider getting over her and starting to enjoy your life . . .

. . . "True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness" (Nietzsche)

Anonymous said...

Hope you cleaned out the shower............LOL