I'm not a big fan, nor do I really understand what makes Rachael a star...is it the food, maybe the eyes - I don't know. However what i do know is that Rachael is extremely popular, so popular that I was forced to purchase a knife set for the one I love. I'll be honest, it took me a while to figure it out - who Rachael ray was of course.
Now I visited several websites, however there was on that stood out. It's has a fairly simple, straight-forward design. The products were clearly displayed and the shipping was fast and accurate. I'm not one for advocating commerce (the buying and selling of things we don't really need) however Rachael Ray Knife Store - you won me over.
Now I picked up the 3 Piece Füri Pro Bamboo Set for my special person. I suggest you take a look at what they have to offer, who knows - you may find a great holiday gift!